
Llandaff City C.I.W. Primary School

A Christian Community: Teaching, Learning, Caring

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Inspection Report

Inspection Report


The School is inspected regularly by external assessors. The last inspection was December 2022. The team reported that Llandaff City is a, "School based firmly around its Christian ethos and the nurturing of pupils' social, emotional, spiritual and educational needs."


Please see the full inspection report below along with a separate report summary for parents and carers.



The last Church in Wales Section 50 Inspection undertaken in 2014 reported:

The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Llandaff City Church in Wales Primary School as a Church in Wales school are Excellent.

Shared Christian values are central to the life of this excellent school, where every pupil is known. All members of staff, including the ancillary staff, work together as a dedicated and mutually supportive team under the guidance of the head teacher. Parents and carers are unanimous in their praise of the school. The wider community praises the school for the welcoming Christian atmosphere so obvious to all visitors.

