
Llandaff City C.I.W. Primary School

A Christian Community: Teaching, Learning, Caring

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School Governors have a key role to play in shaping the ethos of schools, raising standards and supporting teachers, families and most of all pupils.


Our school is a Voluntary Aided School. This means religious education and worship is led through the Christian faith and that we are able to apply specific requirements for pupil entry and staff appointments. Governors are involved in appointing members of staff, deciding policies and looking after budgets and buildings. The Governing Body are the employers of the staff in the school and are also the admitting authority. They are also responsible for ensuring they have a good understanding of teaching and learning in the school and of how the curriculum is developed and implemented in the school. The Governing Body’s role is that of a “critical friend,” being supportive of the school but not afraid to ask difficult or challenging questions.


The Governing Body are not, however, involved in the day-to-day running of the school as that is the responsibility of the Headteacher.


No individual governor has any over-arching authority; sub-committees have delegated powers awarded by the Governing Body as a whole. The Chair, however, has the authority to answer letters, deal with emergencies and liaise with the Headteacher without constant recourse to the full Governing Body.


The Church in Wales is our founding body and appoints the majority of governors, known as Foundation Governors. The Governing Body is a vital part of the leadership of the school and our role in developing the work of the school as a church school is independently inspected. The Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team, staff and governors work as a united team dedicated to realising a shared Christian vision for the school.


The full Governing Body meets four times per academic year.



The Clerk to the Governing Body is Mrs Helen Treherne. She can be contacted via the school. Any letters you wish to be passed to the Chair of Governors can be addressed for their attention either via the School Office or sent via email to:


The Chair of the Governing Body for 2024/25 is David Oliver and the Vice-Chair is Elizabeth Elias. The Chair can be contacted by contacting the School Office, writing to him via the school address or by emailing the Clerk (

The Safeguarding Governor is the Chair of Governors, David Oliver.

